Sunday, February 17, 2008


As most of you know we had not one but two dances these last two weeks, and another one that our jazz band is playing in this Saturday. I went to both (and want to go to the one on Saturday)and let me be the first to say if you want to have fun in Idaho Falls, this is the way to go. The school dance can be slightly... disturbing if you go with the wrong people but the stake dances are ALWAYS fun, you know unless you are there by yourself. So starting with the school dance, we had a pretty good crowd there so it was a lot of fun. We went to dinner before and it was a pretty mellow night except for the dancing part of it all. The very last dance was done very well by Kaylee and myself, her dance to Low by Flo Rida could actually be done in formals. Though I think the highlight of it now is the pictures. The funniest one is Gavin. He looks the same in both our group picture and his couple picture with Kaylee.

We have a theory that he wasn't actually there, it was someone else and he just got photo shopped in. I happened to have gone with Bryan.

No one was expecting that one right? ;) Anyhow, he looked really good. He took this picture in his house in front of his front door.

It is amazing. Then there was the stake dance. These are a lot better because they are way more conservative and people aren't, well let's just say all over each other, and the music is a lot better, for the most part. Toodles until next time.

1 comment:

MissMolly said...

Hey Anna! Thanks for checking out my blog! I'm happy you had a good time with Bry at the dances. I taught him everything he knows! ha ha.