Sunday, April 20, 2008

Science Olympiad (SO) Trip

So, I have been so swamped that I haven't had time to post a few things. My SO trip was last weekend and we left Friday, went down and competed Saturday, and got back LATE Saturday. It was a blast. Sure I got motion sick on the way back... but other then that t was fun. Bus pics!! ^.^

Yeah so most people didn't like the camera... and kept hiding their faces. But it was still fun trying to get good pics. We got to the hotel and hung out for a long time and did A LOT of cramming for the competition the next day. Then me and a group of four other people went to Perkins for dinner. On the way home I got some realy good scenery pics.

Pics from 2 in the morning cramming. xD

So the competition was the next day and.. well it was a very stressful day. The first event started at 8:30 and the final event ended at 3:30, so needless to say it was a LONG day. The award ceremony went by quickly. Our team placed in a lot of events and overall we got second place. Pics.. haha I loved pics on this trip, and I am only posting like half of them.

The bus ride home was fun. We had five PSPs linked playing Mario Cart. It was amazing. Most people didn't last the whole bus ride home. Mainly it was just the people playing Mario Cart that made it. The sunset was absolutly wondeful on the way back.

That was the extent of the trip. It was a blast! Till next time! xoxo