Thursday, February 26, 2009


Wow, I haven't updated in a LONG time... Sorry guys. So our Sweetheart Dance for school was a couple weeks ago and we had a blast. (We being my group) My group was Akira, John, and me and Toby. For our day date we made a fun little scavanger hunt for the guys and they had to come find us. We led them all over downtown with our clues, and then we went and made pizzas at Akira's house for dinner. John made a rediculously huge pizza... not as in surface area, but as in his toppings were like an inch off of the crust. It was amazing. Akira's mom made us a delicious desert pizza as well that John claimed was all his.
After dinner, we all got ready and Akira and I went and picked up the boys at Toby's house where his mom took pics!

At the dance, we got pictures and for our group picture we did the YMCA. Toby was "Y", I was "M", Akira was "C", and John was "A". It was a blast!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


So I am in Minnesota right now. It is so beautiful here. It's so green and clear. The weather usually gets up to like 80 everyday but compared to idaho it feels like 70 or something becuse it's not nearly as humid. I am staying at my grandmother's farm out in the middle of no where in Sterns Co. in a little town called St. Rose (mailing address is actually Freeport). It's a cute little house and there is TONS of land to play on. It's great. You can get away with pretty much everything here. There are tons of lakes (go figure, state with 10,000 lakes) so we go swimming prety much everyday. The water is cold but it's not too bad. I will have tons of pics and more to talk about later!

Sunday, May 11, 2008


So yesterday was Commencement, and it was a blast! We had a whole day of partying and then dancing at the dance. First we went and got picnic items and went picnicing down by the river. Then we went to the zoo, and then dinner, and then the dance. We had a lot of people in our group. There was Brody and Melissa, Gavin and Kaylee, Jordan and Jorden, Toby and Laken, Justin and Bryinlee, and Me and David. The dance had a ton more people in our group but I'm not going to name them all. Well you know me.. and that means... tons of pictures!

Kaylee and Gavin

Jordan and Jorden

Travis and Seteria

Justin and Bryinlee

Laken and Toby

David and Me

Brody and Melissa wouldn't hold still long enough for me to get a pic of them =(. Then we had a get together after going to the zoo at Freeman Park and Bryan and I taught some swing dance to the couples that wanted to learn and then we just messed around for a bit. Bryan being Bryan didn't want to go to the dance. He had fun at Freeman though when he decided to climb up ontop of the memorial and pose for the camera. (shown below) He is so weird sometimes, but we all missed him at the dance.

That's all for now. Hope your life is as fun and eventful as possible ;-)! Till next time luvs!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Science Olympiad (SO) Trip

So, I have been so swamped that I haven't had time to post a few things. My SO trip was last weekend and we left Friday, went down and competed Saturday, and got back LATE Saturday. It was a blast. Sure I got motion sick on the way back... but other then that t was fun. Bus pics!! ^.^

Yeah so most people didn't like the camera... and kept hiding their faces. But it was still fun trying to get good pics. We got to the hotel and hung out for a long time and did A LOT of cramming for the competition the next day. Then me and a group of four other people went to Perkins for dinner. On the way home I got some realy good scenery pics.

Pics from 2 in the morning cramming. xD

So the competition was the next day and.. well it was a very stressful day. The first event started at 8:30 and the final event ended at 3:30, so needless to say it was a LONG day. The award ceremony went by quickly. Our team placed in a lot of events and overall we got second place. Pics.. haha I loved pics on this trip, and I am only posting like half of them.

The bus ride home was fun. We had five PSPs linked playing Mario Cart. It was amazing. Most people didn't last the whole bus ride home. Mainly it was just the people playing Mario Cart that made it. The sunset was absolutly wondeful on the way back.

That was the extent of the trip. It was a blast! Till next time! xoxo

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Ridiculously Low Priced $2 Show

So most of you know there was a concert last night with FOUR bands all for one low price of two dollars. The bands were; Autumns Uprising, New Euphoria, Capital Catalyst, and Safe & Easy. All of these bands have a myspace with music, except Capital Catalyst has videos of them playing instead of the normal music player. The show started at seven p.m. and didn't end until midnight, but it was totally worth staying up because the bands were awesome. Autumns Uprising (shown below) played first and they are mainly an acoustic band, so their crowd was kinda small since they were first and over all pretty mellow. The band members are (from left to right) Spencer, Garion, and Shawn. They all switch instruments so they don't stay on just one for the most part.

Next was New Euphoria (shown below). This band is made up of Ben (bass and vocals), Chris (vocals, piano, and guitar), Aaron (drums and vocals), Justin (guitar and vocals), Jameson Spracher (vocals, guitar, and trumpet). Their genres are Rock, Pop punk, and Alternative. It was hard to get good pictures of them because they were always moving. Ben is actually the person who told me about the show and got me to go. So I took the most pictures of their band.

The crowd was getting bigger and bigger as the show went on. It was insane. New Euphoria really got the band pumped for the next group, Capital Catalyst. By this point, my batteries were dead for my camera because someone decided to leave it on (oops) so I don't have pictures of the last two bands from that night. Capital Catalyst's memebers are Carson (Guitar), Austin (Bass), Jon (Drums), Conor (Vocals). The band played Metal music with a little bit of Rock. The croud went crazy by this point and a mosh pit formed. I got thrown into the middle of it and have the bruises to prove it. The final band of the night was Safe & Easy from our very own school. The members are Mark (Drums), Joe (Vocals and Trombone), Eric (Bass), and Jeff (Guitar). The mosh pit slowed down for them, but strobe lights came on. I had to sit out in the hall for most of the time because strobe lights make me sick, but I could still hear them and they sounded great. Overall it was a great show and everyone needs to make sure that they go and see them the next time they play!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Big Band Sound

So, last night was the jazz band fest that our school set up as a fundraiser for our jazz band to be able to go on a trip. There were three amazing bands that played, including our own jazz band. The music was great, the company was great, and the dancing was... awesome. So yeah most of the dancing was by older couples, but me and my partner picked up an new move from a younger couple. It was great. While most of the night was spent just messing around in the lobby, it was still a blast. The only down fall is there was another group next door partying and you could hear there modern day music as well, but that didn't stop the bands, they just played louder. Kudos to the jazz band on putting on a good gig, and keep up the good work!

Sunday, February 17, 2008


As most of you know we had not one but two dances these last two weeks, and another one that our jazz band is playing in this Saturday. I went to both (and want to go to the one on Saturday)and let me be the first to say if you want to have fun in Idaho Falls, this is the way to go. The school dance can be slightly... disturbing if you go with the wrong people but the stake dances are ALWAYS fun, you know unless you are there by yourself. So starting with the school dance, we had a pretty good crowd there so it was a lot of fun. We went to dinner before and it was a pretty mellow night except for the dancing part of it all. The very last dance was done very well by Kaylee and myself, her dance to Low by Flo Rida could actually be done in formals. Though I think the highlight of it now is the pictures. The funniest one is Gavin. He looks the same in both our group picture and his couple picture with Kaylee.

We have a theory that he wasn't actually there, it was someone else and he just got photo shopped in. I happened to have gone with Bryan.

No one was expecting that one right? ;) Anyhow, he looked really good. He took this picture in his house in front of his front door.

It is amazing. Then there was the stake dance. These are a lot better because they are way more conservative and people aren't, well let's just say all over each other, and the music is a lot better, for the most part. Toodles until next time.